emfluence Marketing Platform Pricing
Why have a marketing automation platform if you're afraid to use it? We want our marketers focused on strategy, not how many times you've sent emails this month. Our pricing is based on active email list size with unlimited marketing and sales users. The more you send, the more you'll receive!

Basic $700/month for up to 30,000 contacts
Standard $850/month for up to 60,000 contacts
Professional $1200/month for up to 100,000 contacts
Enterprise $2000/month for up to 250,000 contacts
Enterprise + $3200/month for up to 500,000 contacts
Enterprise ++ $4200/month for up to 1,000,000 contacts
Custom Contact us for pricing on lists above 1,000,000 contacts

An initial block of 10 hours of technical support is included for account setup, user training, authentication, template design, and data migration. Setup fees start at $2500 and are based on list size.

All pricing levels include access to all marketing automation features, including unlimited email sends, unlimited marketing and sales users, unlimited social media scheduling, unlimited surveys, and more. Includes support. Annual contract required.